
This section explains how and when the Social Investment Agency collects personal information, how we deal with it, what we do with it, and your right to see or change information about you.


The purpose of this privacy notice is to let users of this website know when we collect personal information and what we do with it.

The Agency's work is governed by The Privacy Act 2020 and the Data Protection and Use Policy(external link)

We do not use, share or transfer personal information in connection with the site except as set out in this notice, or in other places on the site.

Use of personal information

We only use personal information provided to us through this site for the purpose of:

  • administering, evaluating and improving the site
  • improving our services
  • responding to your feedback and information you’ve given us.

Sharing your personal information

You can use this site without sharing any personal information.

You may choose to share personal information with us when you:

  • give feedback
  • give us information of your own accord in other ways

Please do not send us sensitive personal information or include it in feedback.

Social media Transparency Statement

This transparency statement explains how we use and engage on social media in accordance with the Public Service Commission’s Guidance for State services official use of social media(external link).

We use social media to:

  • share our publications, insights and data tools
  • promote activities related to our work
  • provide us with feedback on specific issues
  • share content from our other digital channels
  • share insights about the work we do and what it’s like to work for us
  • share information about careers and job vacancies
  • share other items of interest which are relevant to our stakeholders

We welcome feedback from followers and will try to join these conversations where possible. We can't guarantee we will be able to reply individually to every post. 

All social media accounts are monitored from 8.30am – 5pm on weekdays and sporadically outside these hours. We will respond to private messages, as soon as we can, during business hours. If you have an urgent query, please contact us directly.

We may choose to retweet, @mention, or post information by other organisations and/or individuals for the interest and information of our audiences. However, we do not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of this information.

We may follow/like organisations and individuals that are relevant to our organisation. This does not imply endorsement or guarantee the accuracy of their information.

At times, people employed by us may engage in forums on LinkedIn and other online channels. Any opinions or views expressed on these forums belong to the individual staff member. 

Feedback you give us

Feedback is important and is used to evaluate and improve this site.

If you give us feedback, that feedback is sent to appropriate Agency staff. We may pass on relevant comments to other people within the Agency who administer or contribute content to the site. This could include your email address and other identifying information that you have provided.

Other ways of giving us information

If you give the Agency information in other ways, it may be sent to appropriate public sector staff to be actioned, or passed to other people within the Agency, or to other government agencies or third parties who are working on the particular project or matter that the information relates to. This could include your email address and other identifying information.

Data we use for research, analysis and reports

Our Agency's work involves dealing with data, including data about people.

This is usually received from other agencies and it forms the basis of the work we do on challenging social-sector problems to improve people’s lives.

While most of this data is anonymised, not all of it is. When it is not, only the Agency project team directly working on the research has access to personalised data. They deal with it under strict and secure conditions. Any personal identifying information gathered for research is stored with the utmost security, then deleted from Agency systems when the project is complete.

Storage and deletion of information

We securely hold any personal information you provide us with. 

Information may, on rare occasions, be shared with third-party contractors to the extent necessary for them to administer or work on our website, or to work on special projects with us.  These contractors are bound by strict conditions on the use, storage and deletion of information.

No personal information is made available to the public. We do not disclose the names or email addresses of individuals who provide feedback to us or who provide us with information in other forms without their consent, and never to any member of the public.

Unless it is part of an application for a job with us, we do not retain information from you after we have used it for the purpose you gave it to us.

If you apply for a job with us, we advise you that we use that information you provide us with for the selection process and where any review of appointment is sought, and then we retain that information until you delete your candidate profile. 

Website analytics

We use Google Universal Analytics to collect information about your visit to help us improve the site. This information is aggregated and does not identify you personally. It includes:

  • your IP address
  • the search terms you used
  • the pages you visited on our site and the links you clicked on
  • the date and time you visited the site
  • the referring site (if any) from which you clicked through to this site
  • your operating system, for example Windows, MacOS
  • the type of web browser you use, such as Chrome, Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox
  • other things like your screen resolution and the language setting of your browser.

The information referred to above can be viewed by site administrators and certain other Agency staff. It may also be shared with other government agencies.  You can see here(external link) how Google uses data when you use their partners’ sites or apps.


This site generates persistent session cookies (that is, they have an expiry date and are removed on that date) for the purpose of monitoring site usage.

The cookies do not collect personal information. You can disable them or clear them out of your web browser without affecting your ability to use the site.

Records and disclosure statement

Public records, official information and parliamentary processes

Your emails and contributions to the site may constitute public records and be retained to the extent required by the Public Records Act 2005. The Agency may also need to disclose those materials under the Official Information Act 1982 or to a Parliamentary Select Committee or in response to a parliamentary question.

Access and correct your personal information

Your rights

Under the Privacy Act 2020, you have the right to access and ask us to correct any personal information you have provided to us.

Contact us if:

  • you would like to access or change your personal information DIA has stored
  • you have any concerns regarding your privacy.

Our Agency may require proof of your identity before being able to provide you with any personal information.

If you have a privacy complaint about the Social Investment Agency

If you have any concerns about how the Agency manages your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer.

The Privacy Officer

Social Investment Agency

PO Box 639
Wellington 6140


If you are not satisfied with our response to any privacy-related concern you may have, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner(external link) and make a privacy complaint.